Wednesday, April 20, 2011

13 years baby!!!!

My husband and I have been married for 13 wonderful years. Yes you heard it right... wonderful years. If I could go back and change one day of our life together, I would not. We are where we are in our marriage because of all the good and all the bad (or trying) times. Sometimes it feels like we have been together forever and sometimes I just can not believe it is already 13 years!

A word from the wise: The best thing a true friend can do is to encourage you to fight for your marriage, to make it work and to love more than you have ever loved before. It comes back ten fold!

The other night I was thinking about the night before my wedding day and I remember being very scared. I felt like Jeff was too good for me. Like I was not deserving. He is so handsome and a really really good man. Kind, romantic... loves kids.... loves his Mother. I thought this had to be too good to be true.

Well 13 years later I am here to tell you that we both deserve each other. I think God knew we would need each other one day. Jeff is 5 years younger than I am (go me!!) and that is what I think makes me feel so young and beautiful. He makes me feel beautiful.

So Jeff comes back from his deployment to Afghanistan and we go shopping for wedding rings for our 13 year wedding anniversary. When we got married we really could not afford much so all this time we have had simple gold bands. I know and Jeff knows that it is not about the ring. But boy is it nice to wear this hunka diamond that my husband got me. I LOVE IT!!!! and he got a titanium ring with what looks like a armband tattoo thing. It is really nice. I will try to post pictures.

Anyways.... so we did that back in February. So needless to say we HAD to have something else for the actual day. Jeff wanted to get me lace thongs... oh the 13 year anniversary theme is "lace"... anyways I have tons of lace thongs... so I said just let me pick out a shirt or a skirt I really need clothes. I left the store with a CAYUTE skirt, tshirt and over shirt... Navy blue and yellow.. so nautical. I love it.

His "lace" present... um no way I am getting my man lace. So he wanted boat shoes to go with out nautical look. We are taking Easter pictures all nautical. So he gets shoes for his lace present. Shoe laces.. He is pretty happy.

So what I can say about these 13 years is that I have never felt more in love with any one person in my entire life. Jeff and I are good together. Even the 3 deployements we have dealt with have not kept us apart in spirit and in love. I love you Jeffery!

I am Back! and I have so much to share.

So we never made it to Germany. Fort Drum needed us here. So we stayed and we loved it. I do not even know where to begin. Maybe I should start from present and go back a bit.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Germany here we come!

Wow i am excited, scared, happy and sad all at the same time. We just found out that we are getting stationed in Germany in the middle of next year. I know it seems so far away but it will be here before you know it! So any advice anyone has would be greatly appreciated!

The kids and Jeff are excited. Wow i have always wanted to go to France and Italy.. now they will be a train ride away!


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Jeff in Iraq

I am seriously missing my sweetheart so I decided to dedicate my next post to my sweet husband who would walk a million miles to prove his love to us! We will be home again soon baby! Be safe. The kids and I miss you so terribly! I am so heartbroken.. can you come home and mend my broken heart and I will do the same for you?

Enjoying dinner with his office.

WOW... looks hot!

Merry Christmas Baby!

Gotta get crazy every once in a while!

Awe how sweet looking at his baby girl on the computer

we send him pictures almost every day!

Oh wait.. I think he found a quiet spot where he could be alone!
Way to go baby!

Wait my husband got Steve to smile?

The kids miss you Uncle Steve!
Come home safely!

Oh yeah baby.. grilling it up in the hot sun!

So sexy! I miss you baby!

a coworker in the office
very respected

ok only because they are Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders!
Wish Iw as a fly on the wall that day!
My baby adores Dallas Cowboys... and he thinks the cheerleaders
are an ok addition to the team.... haha!!!

I love you baby!
Hurry home

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Madilyn gets a new do!

we just love Madi's big girl hairstyle and it suits her so well. Nanny Jennifer and Parien Steve sent her money to get a new bathing suit and she is just super excited to be getting all this attention.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Cesar my oldest in NYC

So I get an email the other day and my baby boy says Mom google me and see what happens. Oh did I tell you that my son is living large in New York City and working on Broadway! His dream did come true! so check this out!

and this is where it all happens:

They say... home is where the heart is!

So if that is the case... then my home is in New York and I miss it so much!

Need I say anything else? It has everything and more and we love it all!